This lunch and learning session features a panel of experts that provide community-based treatment for children and families. These professionals will focus on crisis prevention measures, such as mobile and in-home services that help families stay together, maintain safety and promote well-being.
Winsome Stone, MS, Assistant Director, Division of Family Services, DCYF
Meredith Correira, Director, Community Relations, TIDES Family Services
Jody Ragosta, Family Development Manager, Woonsocket Head Start
Live radio show fundraiser helps struggling families bring joy to their households during the holidays. This exciting 5 hour show jumpstarts your holiday spirits with music and personal stories of success.
Please join us for FREE refreshments, entertainment as we honor those who have had their own personal battle and remember the collective journey of battling the HIV/AIDS virus.
PO Box 1700 | Woonsocket, RI | 02895 | Directions 401.235.7000 Main Agency | 401.235.7120 Emergency