
Blogs & Letters


Save This Lifesaving Program for Children from Budget Cuts

A little-known but vitally important program could end this summer if the Rhode Island General Assembly doesn’t act. The Full Story»


Letter - Public Private Alliance Essential to Solving Family Homelessness

One of the most difficult aspects of the homeless crisis in Rhode Island is the reality that there are hundreds of families with children throughout the state that are on the brink of losing their housing and many more that have already lost a roof over their heads. So where are these families going? The Full Story»


Letter to Woonsocket City Council Regarding Homeless People

Over the past several weeks, our outreach staff and many of the homeless individuals and families we serve have heard consistent rumors that the City will implement sweeps of local homeless encampments to remove this vulnerable population. The Full Story»


Letter - Lack of vision, planning to blame for homelessness

We are barely six months away from the kind of inclement weather that creates dangerous circumstances for people living outside. What we know is that the number of people living outside, or as the Coalition to End Homelessness characterizes are living in places unfit for human habitation, continues to rise. The Full Story»


Letter - Agency turns its back on RI’s most vulnerable

It is a fait accompli. Nonetheless, the recent stories regarding "BHDDH on schedule with its evictions of MAP, CCA" were a final slap in the face to people with serious mental illness and addiction concerns. The Full Story»


Letter - An Urgent Call for RI Leaders to Deal with Homelessness

As we approach the annual Martin Luther King holiday, it is worth asking ourselves what we are doing to make real D al Ma r. King’s vision of a Beloved Community here in Rhode Island. The Full Story»


A letter to Woonsocket Delegates

I encourage you not to waste another day. Establish a Housing Workgroup that includes these community partners. Together, we can end homelessness, creating a healthier and safer community.The Full Story»


Letter - No Longer Nationally Recognized

Rhode Island had a nationally recognized Behavioral Health System. What is happening is unconscionable; a State Hospital full, hundreds of homeless people suffering with serious mental illness and addiction; overdose deaths weekly, a system collapsing. The adult system is bad but services for children are not much better. The Full Story»


Letter - Why the Non-Profit Sector Matters

Throughout the years I have heard repeatedly that there are too many non-profits in Rhode Island. A popular narrative is that these organizations are “magnets” for people in need. The Full Story»


Letter - Gov. Here's an Idea for a Homeless Shelter

I am writing you today to request that you consider the needs we have experienced in Woonsocket and propose a strategy for how to begin to address this problem. The Full Story»

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