Jan29 You may be eligible for free tax preparation services! In addition to providing additional resources for low & moderate income working families, local economies are strengthened by the dollars returned to the community. More..
Dec23 Let's face it... the holidays can be stressful. But there are ways to alleviate the anxiety of the season. More..
Oct23 Sometimes we forget about the behind the scenes, everyday operations and the ways we optimize systems of care. Jason Costa, Horizon Pharmacy CEO/President and Megan McMaskill, Director of Pharmacy Operations reveal how Horizon Pharmacy serves our program clients with state-of-the-art medication del... More..
Oct18 On October 1st, we opened our doors as a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic ensuring that anyone experiencing a behavioral health crisis will be seen right away. Learn more about all the improvements CCBHCs bring to Rhode Islanders. More..
Aug28 Three organizations in Woonsocket work directly with vulnerable individuals to stem the tide of the public health crisis that ends the lives of so many through overdose. Hear how their support makes a difference. More..
Jun12 Learn about how three organizations in Woonsocket offer opportunities for youth during the summer. More..
May24 Children and teens face a world that is far different from even a few years ago, and their mental health is on the line. More..
Apr29 Woonsocket Head Start celebrates 50 years of preparing children for a better experience in their formal education years. More..
Mar27 Child abuse is a dark topic, but one we have to discuss as children suffering from neglect and abuse need advocates. More..
Mar14 Our Director of Family Visiting and Support Programs, Darlene Magaw, MS, is a fierce advocate for early childhood programs like First Connections. More..