
Consultations to Schools

Everyone – students, teachers, and administrators - benefit when there is less disruption in the classroom. Our consultants are professionally licensed clinicians, and certified teachers and behavior specialists. They bring to their work real-world experience in education and clinical services.

For Teachers and Multi- Disciplinary Teams

Professional Development Trainings– Learn practical applications within the classroom to address the needs of students who struggle with mental, social and emotional issues, and/or substance abuse problems.

Clinical Behavioral Consultation and Supervision– Cultivate new behavioral interventions to address issues that arise in the classroom.  Team-led by a certified teacher and a behavioral health specialist.

Satellite Classrooms- Create a non-traditional classroom within your public school for children with social, emotional and behavioral health issues that impede teaching and affect learning.

Contact Information

PO Box 1700 | Woonsocket, RI | 02895 | Directions
401.235.7000 Main Agency | 401.235.7120 Emergency

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